Membership Options
There are two main membership options. Click on the links below to join the society as a paid member, or to become a registered user of the website (without becoming a member of ISPST). By becoming our member, you can join various events, which will allow you both to help us with some new ideas, and for you it is an opportunity to gain experience, in prime essay you can learn about it.
1. Join ISPST as a paid member.
All members are autommatically registered to use the website.
All members receive a 1-year subscription to our peer-reviewed Journal of Psychology of Science and Technology (now including online access to all past issues). That is a $55 value.
All active members at the time of our conference get reduced registration fees. Our conferences usualy occur every other year.
Members can submit content to the member forum (that is used to communicate with other members and registered users of the site)
Members can submit announcements that (once approved) will appear on the front page of our website.
2. Register on the site without becoming a member of ISPST.
You can register on the website to recieve the newsletter and to see the member forum without becoming a full member.
Registered users cannot add any content to the site or communicate with full members of affiliate program.
Registered users do not get a subscription to the journal.
Registered users can join at the time of the conference.