Adopted September 2006
Article I. Name and Purpose
- The name of this organization shall be the “International Society for the Psychology of Science and Technology (ISPST)”
- The purpose of the Society shall be to:
- Encourage and promote research and publication in the field of psychology of science and technology (PST) defined both broadly and narrowly, based on the researched data, the experience of colleagues, and also contact capstone project help if there are problems with processing information:
- Narrowly defined, the field refers to thought and behavior of professional scientists, technologists, inventors, and mathematicians.
- Broadly defined, the field refers to thought and behavior of any person or people (present or past) of any age (from infants to the elderly) engaged in theory construction, learning scientific or mathematical concepts, model building, hypothesis testing, scientific reasoning, problem finding or solving, or creating or working on technology.
- Every major specialized perspective from psychology is welcome, including but not limited to: neuroscience, development, cognition, personality, motivation, social, industrial/organizational, and clinical. Science education is also a welcome perspective
- Facilitate the exchange of information and experience among its members;
- Encourage psychologists to engage with the wider issues of Science and Technology Studies (STS), and History and Philosophy of Science (HPS);
- Promote the development of new professional opportunities; and
- Promote the application of psychology to the study of thought and behavior in science and technology as a means of promoting human welfare by conducting
- Research on the psychology of science and technology has the potential to inform policy, education, and business in selecting, recruiting, training, teaching, and hiring scientific and technological students and personnel.
- Research aimed at furthering our understanding of recruiting, recognizing, and retaining scientific talent shall therefore be a priority.
- Toward this end, the Society shall foster interdisciplinary relationships and research with educators, business leaders, and scientists themselves.
- Encourage and promote research and publication in the field of psychology of science and technology (PST) defined both broadly and narrowly, based on the researched data, the experience of colleagues, and also contact capstone project help if there are problems with processing information:
Article II. Membership
- The Society shall have two classes of membership: Members and Student Affiliates.
- Members shall be those with advanced degrees (Masters or Doctorate) in psychology or education and who are interested in the psychology of science and technology broadly defined.
- Student Affiliate members shall be persons who are seriously interested in the field of the psychology of science and technology broadly defined and who are enrolled in a related degree program at the undergraduate or graduate level.
- Nominations or applications for all classes of membership should be referred to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society. The nomination or application blank must contain information concerning the candidate's educational and professional history, and be accompanied by such endorsements as shall be prescribed by the Executive Committee of the Society.
- Members in both classes shall be determined by a majority vote of the Members and Members-At-Large among the Society members.
- The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify new members of their election immediately after the Bi-Annual Meeting.
- Any member may be expelled from the Society for cause by a two-thirds vote, taken by secret ballot of members present and voting at an Bi-Annual meeting. Such vote shall be taken only upon recommendation by a special committee of three members to be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Society to investigate the particular case. The committee's recommendation is to be submitted (a) only after it has accumulated the relevant facts and has given the accused member an opportunity to answer the charges against him/ her both in writing and by appearing in person before the committee, and (b) after the committee's recommendation has been reviewed and approved by a majority vote, taken by secret ballot, of the Executive Committee of the Society.
- On all matters calling for action of the Society by the membership each member and each member-at-large shall have one vote, and no proxy voting shall be allowed.
Article III. Society Officers
- The officers of the organization shall be a Society President, a Society President-Elect, a Secretary-Treasurer, three Members-At-Large, and one Student Representative.
- The terms of office for the President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Student Representative shall be for two years.
- It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, to serve ex-officio as chairman of the Executive Committee of the Society, and to act for the Society with the approval of the Executive Committee. The President shall perform other duties as are incident to his or her office or as may properly be required by vote of the Executive Committee.
- It shall be the duty of the Secretary to issue calls and notices of meetings and nominations of officers and members-at-large of the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall keep records of the Society and record the minutes of each Executive Committee and Business meeting.
- The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and property of the Society, and shall collect any special dues that may voted in accordance with Article VIII, Section 1 of these Bylaws. The Treasurer shall be authorized to make disbursements for the Society, except that for amounts larger than $100.00 authorization of the Executive Committee is required. The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and ex-officio as a member of the Committee on Nominations and Membership as well as the Program Committee. It shall also be his or her function to provide information to members and to other interested parties on Society matters.
- In case of the death, incapacity, or resignation of any of these officers (excepting the President) the President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall appoint a successor to serve until the next Bi-Annual Meeting. If the President is unable to perform any or all of his or her duties, the President-Elect shall take the President's place until he or she takes office.
Article IV. Executive Committee
- There shall be an Executive Committee of the Society consisting of the President, the President-elect, the Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, three members-at-large, Student Representative, and the Journal Editor.
- The President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Student Representative shall serve for terms of two years.
- The members-at-large shall serve for terms of three years each.
- The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society, performing the duties and abiding by the limitations specified in these Bylaws. Actions of the Committee affecting Society policy are subject to approval by a majority vote of the members voting at a Bi--Annual Meeting or by special mail ballot.
- The President of the Society shall be presiding officer at all meetings of the Executive Committee, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall be the secretary of the Committee.
Article V. Other Committees
- The Committees of the Society shall consist of the following standing committees: Membership & Nominations, Publications, and the Program Committee. Special ad hoc committees may be established by the Executive Committee.
- Committees shall serve for the term of the Society President unless otherwise provided for.
- The Committee on Nominations and Membership shall consist of three members appointed by the President. One of these members shall be a past or present member of the Executive Committee and shall be asked by the President to chair the Committee. In addition, the Secretary and Treasurer shall be an ex-officio members of the executive committee. It shall be the function of this Committee to conduct and supervise the mail elections of the Society as provided in Article VI of these Bylaws. The Committee shall also receive applications for membership, examine the credentials submitted, and make recommendations, accompanied by the necessary data regarding each applicant in accordance with requirements set forth in Article II of these Bylaws. These recommendations shall be made to the membership at the Bi-Annual business meeting.
- The Program Committee shall consist of the President-elect of the Society as chair and of three members of the Society appointed by him/her. In addition, the President may choose further members of the Society to assist the Committee in the preparation of the program for the next Bi-Annual meeting. It shall be the duty of the Program Chair to make arrangements for the Program at the bi-annual conference and the Bi-Annual Business Meeting of the Society in accordance with the provision of Article VII of these Bylaws.
Article VI. Nominations and Elections
- The officers of the Society and the members-at-large of the Executive Committee shall be nominated by the Committee on Nominations and Membership.
- At least three two nominees shall be named for the office of Society President-elect (or President). For each other office there shall be at least twice as many nominees as there are persons to be elected.
- The preferential count of the votes for each office shall be obtained by the Society Secretary-Treasurer from the Election Committee, and these counts shall be referred to the Society Election Committee which shall announce the election results at the Bi-Annual business meeting of the Society.
- Officers shall assume office on the first day following the close of the bi-annual business meeting at which their election is announced and shall hold office until their successors are elected and assume office in their stead. If an officer fails to accept election, the place shall be filled by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee.
Article VII. Meetings
- The meeting of the society shall take place during the bi-annual convention of the Society, and in the same locality, for the transaction of business, the presentation of scientific papers, and the discussion of professional matters in the field of the Society's interests. The Society Conferences shall alternate between U.S. and non-U.S. locations.
- Members entitled to vote and present at the Business Meeting of the Society shall vote by simple majority; but it shall be the prerogative of the presiding officer to table a motion if in his or her judgment does not do justice to the importance of the matter to be decided.
Article VIII. Dues
- Changes in bi-annual dues and assessments of any special dues shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and shall be decided by a majority vote of those present and entitled to vote at the bi-annual meeting or by mail ballot of the voting members.
Article IX. Amendments
- By vote of two thirds of the voting members present at any Bi-Annual Meeting or by a majority vote of the members of the Society voting in a mail ballot, the Society may adopt such amendments to these Bylaws as have been (a) presented at the preceding bi-annual meeting or (b) mailed to the last known post office address of each member or published in the Journal of the Society two months prior to the final vote on the proposed amendments.
Article X. Journal
- Once established, a Journal—the Journal of Psychology of Science and Technology—will be mailed to all members of the Society. It shall be published twice each year and containinformation pertinent to the Society, including peer-reviewed original research, theoretical papers, book reviews, and commentaries. The journal will consist of an editor, associate editors, and an editorial board.